Fractured Teeth
- Smile Makeovers
- All Porcelain Crowns
- Inlays and Onlays
- Composite Resin Veneers
- Fractured Teeth
- Gapped Teeth
- In-Office Whitening
- Missing Teeth
- Porcelain Veneers
- Porcelain to Gold Crowns
- Worn Teeth

This man had an accident which resulted in fracturing off a large portion of his right front tooth. With very advanced and conservative dentistry, an All-Porcelain Empress Veneer was placed over the fractured tooth, restored his natural appearance, and gave him something to smile about!

This child had an accident and broke off the corner of her right front tooth. A Direct Composite Resin Filling was used to replace the missing portion of the tooth and mimic the appearance of the adjacent tooth. This procedure was accomplished in just 30 minutes, without anesthetic, and the result is amazing!

This man was not very pleased with his smile and the appearance and condition of his front teeth. After restoring his front teeth with Empress Porcelain Veneer-Crowns, his teeth were strengthened and his smile was remarkably improved.

This woman was not very happy with her smile. She was also experiencing pain and sensitivity in several of her front teeth due to vertical fractures around the existing large fillings in those teeth. Using All-Porcelain and In-Ceram restorations on her front eight teeth, her pain and sensitivity completely disappeared and her smile was restored to its natural beauty. As seen above, the final result is quite gorgeous and gives her smile new vitality.

This man broke his front two teeth and did not like how small the teeth next to his front teeth were. Using Empress Porcelain Crowns and Veneers on his front four teeth, his smile was improved to a more natural appearance. As demonstrated by his "new" smile, he's quite happy with his new appearance, and his girlfriend is too!